After his success in October 2022 with his solo exhibition METAMORPHIC SCULPTURES at the historic Kühlhaus Berlin, multimedia artist Dan Carabas presented his artworks at Berlin's most famous club, the KitKat Club. The exhibition opened in April at the gallery weekend Berlin and was open to visitors for one month at the Salon Rouge in the KitKat Club.

The goal was again to create a visual and auditory adventure, to touch people on multiple sensual levels and to create a transformational experience at the forefront of art presentation by working with the space and its intense atmosphere to reinforce the perception of the visitors.

Working intentionally with light, sound, and projections, the wooden prints and their meditative effect stand in stark contrast to the chaotic and wild rush of the party venue. An intense experience accompanied by a multidimensional symphony in the space, again designed by sound artist Peter Hayo. 

Through the combination of large photography prints and digital animations projected in large scale into the space, the presentation of the artwork blurs the lines between the physical and the digital, transcending all traditional boundaries. Additionally, modern NFT technology enables art collectors an easy way to track and purchase the artworks.


unpaired. NFT gallery


Stiftung Kunstdepot